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What Is StabiliTrak?

StabiliTrak is an advanced feature designed to enhance your driving experience in many General Motor Vehicles. This feature allows your vehicle to stay under control, especially when the road conditions aren’t suitable. It monitors your car movement with a sensor along with a steering wheel position sensor to check if the steering wheel and tires are aligned with your intended path. It reduces the engine power consumption and applies brake force to the wheels, helping the driver regain control of the steering wheels. It works seamlessly together with the Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) and an electronic stability control(ESC). The system is designed to give your vehicle efficiency and safety. It works to make sure you’re moving in a straight line and to keep turns more controlled on wet, icy, or uneven roads. 

What Does Service StabiliTrak Mean?

The StabiliTrak message indicates that the system has identified an issue and not functioning properly. The illuminated  light indicates that u won’t get any assistance from StabiliTrak system when you are driving under low-traction conditions. This warning can be caused by a variety of issues. Some of the common issues are:

  • Faulty steering wheel position sensor.
  • Malfunctioning of ABS (Anti-Locking brake system).
  • Sensor, wiring, or control module issues.
  • Indicating low brak fluid.

How to Reset Service StabiliTrak Message?

When the “Service StabiliTrak” warning light appears on your dashboard, it is important to note that there is a fault in the system. Computer failure or software malfunction are the most common factors that can lead to the disabling of the control system.

Here are some general guidelines on how to reset the StabiliTrak message:

  • Ensure that your vehicle is parked on a flat surface.
  • Check the  button it that hasn’t been manually pressed. If it has the light will stay on.
  • In poor road conditions the system will get disabled until the system resets itself. The warning light stays on.
  • Shut the engine down and wait for 10-15 minutes, allowing the vehicle’s electronic system to reset.
  • If the message is gone, you don’t need to service the vehicle. Otherwise, it’s time for complete diagnostics.

StabiliTrak Service Light

The “Service StabiliTrak” light can appear due to many reasons, this warning message is a response to undying issues within the steering wheels, break units and traction control system.

The StabiliTrak Service light typically signals a malfunction in one of the following conditions:

  • Faulty sensors (e.g., wheel speed or yaw sensors).
  • Braking system issues, often related to ABS or low brake fluid.
  • Traction control problems.
  • Electrical or software faults affecting the system’s control module.

How Much Do Stabilitrak Repairs Cost? 

Despite the complexity of this support system, StabiliTrak’s repair cost is affordable. A typical repair might range between $80-$200 depending on the issue.

Factors That Influence StabiliTrak Repair Costs:

When it comes to repairing your vehicle’s StabiliTrak system, the repair costs can vary widely depending on several key factors:

  • Vehicle make and model plays an important role in determining the repair cost.

  • The severity of the vehicle, including the major issues like failure in the electronic control unit(ECU) of the other essential systems like the traction control module, requires extensive parts replacements.

  • Labor charges might differ depending upon the region and the dealer repairing cost.

Can You Prevent Costly StabiliTrak Repairs?

When it comes to the StabiliTrak system. prevention is the only key. While some issues might be unavoidable due to certain circumstances triggering it, taking proactive steps can save you from expensive fixes down the road. Here are some essential tips for maintaining your vehicle’s stability control system and catching problems early:

  • Regular maintenance is crucial.
  • Pay attention to the warning light, don’t ignore it.
  • Regular checks of the vehicle’s electric wires are essential.
  • Keep track of software updates.


StabiliTrak is a key player in ensuring the safety and stability of your vehicle. This electric system in your vehicle enables you to enhance road safety by helping drivers maintain control in challenging conditions. Giving your system proper maintenance is very important for the safety of your vehicle. The system is designed to work under conditions that have low traction. Faults in service electronic stability control can lead to major issues. An illuminated StabiliTrak service light indicates sensor, wiring, or control module issues, low brake fluid, and faulty throttle position sensor. You can often drive with a service StabiliTrak message on your dashboard, but if the system is disabled, you might experience reduced stability and low performance.

At Tagore Automotive, we provide insights into affordable car upgrades like StabiliTrak installations.


Q.1 What are the signs of a traction issue in 2012 Chevy Malibu?
Ans. The signs of a traction issue 2012 Chevy Malibu are as follows:

  • Illumination of traction control light.
  • Loss of traction.
  • ABS light on.
  • Difficulty maintaining speed.
  • Vibration and jerking.

 Q2. What should I do if I see the ‘Service Stabilitrak GMC’ warning on my dashboard?”
Ans. If you see the ‘Service Stabilitrak GMC’ warning on your dashboard, try checking the its button, turning the steering wheel, and disconnecting the battery.

Q.3 Can bad spark plugs cause StabiliTrak malfunction ?
Ans. The traction and StabiliTrak warning lights will illuminate with a faulty spark plug if the spark plug is causing a misfire.  

Q.4 How do I reset my StabiliTrak?
Ans. Gently turn the steering wheel clockwise and then turn it counterclockwise, also wait for 15 seconds before turning on your vehicle.

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